2017 in Review
Wednesday, 1/3/2018
Another year has come and gone, and once again babies across North Texas and beyond received life-saving donor human milk from Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas. It was another record-breaking year, with more milk donors than ever before and the highest dispensation of donor milk MMBNT has ever recorded.
In 2017, MMBNT dispensed 568,957 ounces of donor human milk. Processing more than half a million ounces requires our staff to work tirelessly to adapt to the increasing demand for liquid gold.
Of course, fragile and premature infants can’t receive this miraculous resource without the generous actions of milk donors. In 2017, a record 923 mothers became approved milk donors. These donors dedicated themselves not only to the health of their own babies, but to the health of so many others in need. We are incredibly thankful for their gifts.
In addition to the increases in donors and dispensation, MMBNT experienced even more growth. We broke ground on our new facility, reached 95 percent completion in our capital campaign, More Room for More Miracles, and connected with our community in new ways. In the coming year, we will continue to prepare for our move into our new, larger space.
We are thankful for a productive 2017, and look forward to the changes and excitement of 2018!