A Celebration of Fatherhood
Thursday, 6/16/2016
We recognize many great moms on our blog, but what about dads? Fathers also play an important role in families. In honor of Father’s Day, our donor moms, dads, Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas team and Facebook community let us know a little more about what fatherhood means to them.
“He is a hard worker and sacrifices a lot in order to be the man our children need. We are so blessed to have him.” – Christy M.
“My dad raised me all alone since age 2. He made me the great mommy I am today! He passed when I was 13 and I am grateful for all those years I got to have such a wonderful dad.” – Brandy D.
“My husband is a hero in the eyes of my daughters. His support, guidance and humor will shape their lives forever and for that, I will always be grateful.” – Amy T.
Our Director of Operations, Shaina, is currently breastfeeding her 1 year old son, Noah. We asked her and her husband, Juan, about how a father’s support during breastfeeding can make all the difference:
“My husband knew I was very passionate about breastfeeding, and he did everything he could to accommodate me and help me be successful at it. Any nursing mother knows the amount of time that goes into nursing a growing baby several times a day, and how difficult it can be to keep up with all of the other demands of everyday life. Juan has been so helpful by keeping up with household chores and errands so that I can take the time I need to care for our baby.
“I am so thankful that he has been there with me every step of the way. He attended breastfeeding education classes with me, which I believe contributes to his determination to help me succeed. He listened intently to the lactation nurses at the hospital to make sure that he knew what to do to assist me in breastfeeding. And anytime I struggled he was there asking, ‘What can I do?’ I couldn’t have asked for a better partner and father to go through this experience with.” – Shaina
“I was really amazed at how much of a bond breastfeeding created between Noah and my wife. It is so obvious how much he cherishes his time breastfeeding with his mother and how strong their relationship is because of it. I knew that breast milk was the best nutrition for our baby, but to see how smart and happy he is a true testament to how good it is for him.” – Juan
For more information about Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas, click here.