Giving Back After Her Twins' Early Start

Giving Back After Her Twins' Early Start

Tuesday, 2/14/2017

James and Victoria’s twin daughters, Caroline and Elizabeth, made their debut at 30 weeks. The girls had twin to twin transfusion syndrome, which had not been detected in an ultrasound, so their premature arrival was a blessing in disguise. “They were safer in the NICU’s hands than in the womb at that point,” Victoria said.

Caroline and Elizabeth received donor milk from Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas for about a week until Victoria had a sufficient supply. Her supply turned into a surplus, as her milk filled up the family’s multiple freezers. Despite the space issue, she had to keep pumping in order to maintain her supply for when the twins were released from the NICU.

With more than enough milk to spare, Victoria contacted MMBNT about becoming a donor. After completing the donor screening process, she started taking donations to her nearest depot, Texas Health Harris Southwest. She’s been able to drop off directly at MMBNT as well, giving her the chance to see milk processing in action.

Victoria enjoys being able to give back to others through the unique way of milk donation. “It is a gift I have been given and my calling is to spread the wealth,” she said.

However, breastfeeding has been a team effort for the family. Victoria remembers when Caroline and Elizabeth were in the NICU, and how she and James felt helpless. They felt like the only thing they could control was milk production – Victoria pumped, while James cleaned pump parts, supplied her with food and water while she pumped, and offered emotional support through the tough times.

“Without his support and the support of the rest of my family, I would have never been able to succeed at breastfeeding,” Victoria said.

Today, Caroline and Elizabeth are 6 months old, enjoying life at home with mom and dad, and Victoria has donated nearly 1,000 ounces of milk so far. She is happy to share her liquid gold with those who need it, just like other moms did for her daughters.

For more information about becoming a donor, click here.

Mother and father each holding one twin daughter in hospital
The family during their time in the hospital
Freezer full of breastmilk bags
Victoria's milk in the depot freezer
Twin baby girls
Caroline and Elizabeth at 5 months old