HMBANA Welcomes New Executive Director
Wednesday, 11/22/2017
It’s a season of change for milk banking. Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas is in the middle of a capital campaign and construction of a new facility, while its professional association, the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) welcomes an exciting change as well. Recently, HMBANA announced Lindsay Groff as its new executive director.
Lindsay joined the HMBANA team in early November, coming from her previous position as executive director of the Barth Syndrome Foundation. She will be responsible for setting HMBANA’s vision and improving operations as well as implementing the newly adopted strategic objectives of the organization.
“HMBANA has experienced a tremendous amount of growth; the demand is on the rise for milk, and the number of milk banks is also on the rise,” Lindsay said. “What I hope for my position is to bring members together and show member benefits in creating a sisterhood of milk banks where we can accomplish more by working together.”
As a mother of a medically fragile child herself, Lindsay understands the importance of breastmilk. Her daughter, Charlotte, had an abdominal wall defect at birth and spent time in the NICU. Lindsay’s breastmilk provided Charlotte with the nutrition she needed to grow and thrive. Now, Lindsay will work toward the goal of providing donor milk for other fragile babies like Charlotte.
The staff at MMBNT are excited to welcome Lindsay into the milk banking family, and look forward to the future with her at the helm.