Robyn's Repeat Donation

Robyn's Repeat Donation

Tuesday, 11/22/2016

For Robyn, milk donation has become a part of her regular routine. She stepped into her role as a milk donor after her daughter, Elliott, was born and she produced more milk than Elliott needed. Though some suggested she sell her milk, Robyn was moved by the idea of donating to a nonprofit milk bank and found Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas through online research.

“To me, there’s something special about knowing that it’s being used by babies who specifically depend on breastmilk and don’t have other options,” Robyn said.

Robyn’s milk supply quickly took over her family’s freezer space, to the point that she purchased a deep freezer exclusively for milk storage. She donated 100 ounces for every month that Elliott nursed. After nine months, Robyn got pregnant again and her production decreased. With the birth of her son Quinn and the return of her supply, she decided to become a donor for the second time.

There is a method to Robyn’s pumping, storing and donating system. Much of her pumping is done at work, where she’s created a setup to make it as convenient as possible. She stores a baseline amount of milk at home for daycare and traveling, and once she’s built up her supply over that amount, she drops her donations off at the depot near her office.

As a second-time breastfeeder, Robyn is taking advantage of the opportunity to improve her organization. She tries to make sure every milk bag or bottle is either 10 ounces or is equal to one serving for her son to make it easier to count, and to ensure that milk isn’t being wasted when thawed. While this makes feeding her son easier, it also is an efficient way to keep track of the amount she’s donating.

Being a donor mom is a meaningful experience for Robyn, and it’s a selfless act that helps so many in both North Texas and beyond. “It’s a really incredible feeling to know that I’m helping babies survive,” she said.

For more information about becoming a donor, click here.

Toddler sister and infant brother laying on furry backdrop
Quinn (left) and Elliott (right)
Two full bottles of recently pumped breastmilk
Robyn's milk from one pumping session