Milk Donation Tips and Tricks from the Experts
Thursday, 10/11/2018
Milk donation is a wonderful, unique gift. You might have some questions when embarking on this journey, and the donor coordinators at Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas are knowledgeable and ready to help.
Current and former milk donors are a great resource as well. Recently, we collected advice from them on our Facebook page. Take a look at some of the helpful tips they had to offer.
Submissions may have been edited for length and/or clarity.
Pre-Label Your Bags
“We always made it a family night to label the breastmilk bags! I would get about 500 at a time so it took a while!” - Mandy H.
“I labeled my bags with my donation number when I opened the pack, regardless if they were for donation or home. Regular pumping sessions and labeling the date and time on bags right away. Also, laying them flat to freeze and storing them upright after they were frozen. I mailed my bags, so once I had 100 ounces I would order a box and mail everything in!” - Kelly S.
“Label as you store, meaning right after you pump, dump it into the storage bag and label it with your donor number right then.” - Amanda B.
Freeze Milk Flat
“I found having a clear space in the freezer where I could lay the bags flat was just the trick for getting consistent sized bags that store better. This means you can store more and then take bigger loads for drop off. Being a donor is still one of the most amazing things I have done in my life. Thank you to the milk bank, milk donors, financial donors and volunteers that make this all possible.” - Molly S.
“Label the bags, lay them flat to freeze, and relax! Don’t stress when you don’t pump as much, trust your body and keep going. What made it easier for me was the support from people around me!” - Liz C.
“I lay bags flat on a cookie sheet and then they stack nicely in a grocery sack.” - Kimberly L.
Have the Right Supplies
“I would always make sure I had all my ‘stuff’ organized. I only learned about donation with my fourth baby, so I had a great shelf in my laundry room, that was there the extra freezer was, to store bags, markers and delivery containers. I also donated to multiple places so I had storage in the freezer to keep bags separated.” - Jennifer G.
“Get multiple pumping parts! It’s a pain in the rear to keep washing multiple times a day if you only have a set or two. Hands-free pumping bras are awesome too but if you don’t want to pay for an expensive one, buy some cheap sports bras and cut holes in them. I also pre-labeled my bags with my name and donor number on them so I would only have to write the date when I filled the bags. And remember that any donation, no matter how little is still a donation!” - Erika E.
“Having a freezer that has two shelves! I always use the bottom for donor milk and the milk for my baby goes on top! Also having a freezer just for milk so I don’t have to search for anything when it’s time to donate!” - Krystal P.
Stick to a Schedule
“Frequently take your stash to a drop off point, otherwise you won’t have room in your freezer for ice cream. Also, get the microwave pump sterilization bags. So much easier than boiling pump parts.” - Michelle L.
“I agree about the consistency. Make sure to schedule your pump sessions so your body can really find its rhythm. Also, don’t stress about the days when you might produce less. So many things can cause a temporary dip in supply. Just keep yourself hydrated and know that it will come back. Our bodies are amazing!” - Laura M.