Why We Love Donating Milk
Thursday, 2/14/2019
Love is a key component to donating breastmilk. Selfless mothers donate their extra breastmilk out of love - for their own babies as well as for fragile babies in need, babies who they’ll never even meet. This dedication is what makes the mission of Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas come to life.
Below, some of our donors share why they love donating milk.
“I love to donate my liquid love because I love how it has aided in my own family’s strength, and I love the idea of another family growing strong together.” - Candace
“I love donating milk because I know it helps nourish the most fragile babies! It is so fulfilling to know I can help a family.” - Lauren S.
“I love donating milk because it helps babies who need it. Also, my daughter was given donor milk at the hospital.” - Celina
“The best part of being a milk donor by far is knowing that my excess breastmilk is helping to provide nourishment to premature infants and other infants in neonatal intensive care units throughout North Texas. The moms of these sweet babies may not be able to breastfeed, so donor milk is considered the next best thing. Providing milk to vulnerable infants is deeply rewarding and gratifying in itself. It makes me feel like I’m giving something back in some way, and I am grateful for this opportunity.” - Keri
“I love donating because both of my boys were premature and received donor milk while waiting on my milk to come in. It meant that my baby immediately got all the nutrients he needed to thrive until I was able to provide it for him. We were so grateful!” - Shawna
“I love donating because as a mama and a labor and delivery/postpartum nurse I know how amazing breastmilk is. I have more than my son needs, so it makes me feel good to be able to share, knowing it is helping other babies in need.” - Lauren K.
“I love donating milk because when my son was born he had low blood sugar and infant jaundice. He was in desperate need of some liquid gold, which we received from the hospital and Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas before my own milk supply came in. I have been blessed with being able to feed my baby while also building a substantial supply in my own freezer and wanted to give back to the organization that helped us in our time of need. It is so rewarding to know that my miracle is helping other miracles thrive!” - Penny