Wonderfully Blessed - Mary’s Donor Story
July 14, 2021
Mary and her husband live in Grand Prairie with their three children, Divine, Wisdom and Wonderful. Mary affirms her calling to motherhood naturally includes donating her extra breastmilk to help others.
She shares, “I have received so much in my life and can’t afford to hold anything back. God has naturally blessed my baby and I with excess milk, and we are glad to be a blessing to other children.”
Mary’s youngest, Wonderful, is exclusively breastfed and is in the 99th percentile on growth charts. Mary says, “We see her extra milk as a God-given opportunity to help other infants and we are so grateful for this unique privilege.”
Mary first learned about milk banks from her sister who lives in Canada. She then discovered MMBNT after visiting an organization in Grand Prairie and started the screening process right away.
To date, Mary has donated about 1,020 ounces, an amazing gift with the potential to provide 3,060 feedings for very premature babies. Mary’s first donations were dropped off at two milk collection depots in Arlington, Texas and her subsequent ones were picked up by MMBNT at her office.
It’s important to Mary to spread the word about milk banking. She wants mothers everywhere to know they can save lives with their extra milk and don’t have to throw it away.
For information on how to donate extra breastmilk, click here.