With a freezer so full of breastmilk that she had to move her food to another, donor Vanessa decided to become a milk donor.
Vanessa’s youngest daughter, Yazmine, was in the NICU, and it was here she learned about donor milk. She shares, “My baby was in the NICU for 2 weeks and my older son was also in the NICU for a month. Seeing all the little precious babies there fighting for their lives hits me hard, and if there’s one way I can help I’ll do it by donating my extra breastmilk.”
After Vanessa completed her phone screening and medical history questionnaire, the phlebotomist was able to come to her home to complete her blood test. Vanessa shares, “The screening process was easy and very convenient…as a mother of five, I can use all the help I can get!”
The final step: emptying her freezer: Vanessa drops her milk off at a milk collection depot just 10 minutes from her home and has donated over 2,000 ounces so far!