Donor mom Brittney shared her donor story with us: “Our sweet Elby is turning 18 months old soon, and we just requested a pickup for our LAST milk donation!
Looking back now, I’m not even sure how I ended up almost exclusively pumping. He was a grazer and there was a lot of anxiety on my part about whether he was eating enough, so it helped to be able to actually see and count the ounces we fed him. It turns out he ate A LOT and I pumped 8x/day, 30 minutes per pump, for a whole year. That equals 1,460 hours or 60 ENTIRE DAYS!
It was the hardest thing I’ve ever, EVER done, and so I’m thankful that all of that labor could translate into helping other little ones. We have donated 2,000+ ounces, which is enough to provide more than 6,000 feedings for premature babies.”
Brittney’s hard work and hours most definitely paid off - not only feeding Elby for 18 months, but also providing so many feedings for fragile babies. Did you see the sweet message Brittney left on her last donation?