A smile this big can only mean one thing - lots of milk donated to babies in need!
Donor mom Allison has been a long-time donor: over the last 11 years and four children, she’s donated over 42,800 ounces to just our milk bank! She’s also donated to several other nonprofit milk banks when she moved during those 11 years.
Allison shared, “We found MMBNT through my lactation consultant at Medical City of Lewisville - where my eldest was born in 2012. I had a tough time getting him to latch and nurse for long enough. Turns out he was snacking and I’m an overproducer. I started doing some research and began to understand the importance of breast milk for those most in need. It’s my little way of giving back.”
With her youngest, Brodie, who is 4 months old, she’s donated almost 7,000 ounces so far. We’d say it’s really a BIG way of giving back - and we’re so grateful to Allison and her little ones!