Giving Hearts Help Heal Alexander's Heart
Alexander came into the world on July 20, 2023, with a genetic heart defect. Following open-heart surgery at two days old, he spent one week on life support. Then at 12 days old, he received his second open heart surgery.
While the procedure was successful, Alexander’s recovery required a three-month stay in the cardiac unit at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth. Because he was unable to breastfeed during this time, Alexander’s mother, Courtney, pumped exclusively.
Finally, Alexander was well enough to be discharged. A feeding tube was necessary because he could only take a small amount of milk by mouth. Once home, his constant medical needs interrupted Courtney’s pumping schedule, negatively impacting her milk supply. Courtney says, “I was very sad when my supply dried up and was so disappointed that he was no longer receiving my milk.”
To continue to receive the immunological protection of human milk, Alexander joined the outpatient program at Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas. Courtney says, “I truly believe that having breastmilk has helped Alexander heal and grow. He was able to gain weight and his health has greatly improved. He now takes full feeds of donor milk by mouth and no longer requires a feeding tube.”
While there are some uncertainties regarding how his genetic condition will progress, Alexander is currently thriving. He is closely monitored by many doctors and continues to receive donor milk at home.
To the donors who make Alexander’s nutrition possible, Courtney says, “Thank you so much for your dedication and generosity. You are making such a huge difference in the lives of medically fragile children like my son.”