Indie Mae spent nine days in the NICU and relied on donor milk until donor Becca’s supply came in.
“Knowing that I can give a gift to other mothers, and fragile babies really means the world…”
“Knowing that I can help families during their most vulnerable time gives me such a huge feeling of joy and purpose. I donate on behalf of many friends, coworkers and family members who have had…
“I didn’t reach every goal I had for 2022 but the one that I did achieve was donating to the milk bank over 10,000 ounces of milk! Such an amazing feeling to provide help to other babies!”
Amanda shares, “It feels so great to give back and know that the extra milk we donated will go to help little ones and families in need!”
On World Prematurity Day, we are privileged to share donor mom Ashleigh and her daughter Addie’s NICU story.
“Addie was born at 31 weeks because I had preeclampsia. She was 3 lbs 7 oz…
“Donor milk got my baby going through those first few days in the NICU until my milk came in. I love the thought that my milk could be doing the same thing for other babies.”
As we celebrate Black Breastfeeding Week 2022, we are thrilled to share Shantrice’s breastfeeding journey and her Baby Café story. Shantrice - “The greatest thing Baby Café …
On Wednesday, August 3, My Pure Delivery in Plano is hosting the milk bank’s next milk drive. The company’s founder and lactation consultant, Diba Tillery, recently shared how her passion for human…
Donor mom Rani says, “Being a donor makes me feel good and satisfied. It is a life changing decision and I feel content knowing I am able to help someone in need. So many mums out there are stressed…
Donor mom Camille learned about MMBNT in 2013 shortly after her first son was born. She pumped at night for relief before bed and when she ran out of freezer space, a quick google search led her to…
We kicked off our first Milk Drives of 2022 this past week! Our first milk drive of 2022 was held in North Little Rock, AR at the Root Creation on March 26. The second on March 30 a little closer to…
After being cleared by her doctor, Susan and her husband decided to take one last trip from Michigan to Texas to see friends and family before they settled in to nest for their baby’s due date. But,…
Maverick was born via emergency C-section at 35 weeks due to undiagnosed placenta previa and spent 8 days in the NICU. While in the NICU, his mom Krista started pumping immediately: she wanted to do…
Tiffany has taken full advantage of our depot collection site at Van Buren County Health Unit in Clinton, Arkansas, making one large donation of her extra milk with each of her three babies, now 14…
In her own heartrending words, Verda shares how donating breastmilk after the monumental loss of her daughter has acknowledged, honored and celebrated her beloved baby girl.
Human milk is a “a lifesaving intervention for premature infants” but human donor milk in NICUs isn’t always accessible to fragile babies who might need this liquid gold. Indeed, in some cases…
In August, MMBNT’s Baby Café grew to offer this breastfeeding support group twice a month in Spanish, in an effort to expand breastfeeding support to more moms in the greater Fort Worth area. Connie…
At 20 weeks into her pregnancy, it was discovered during an ultrasound that Katie’s daughter Louise had what was thought to be a cleft lip. After further tests, it was discovered that Louise had a…
Milk donor, Emely says, “Donating milk means a lot to me. Although it may seem like a small way to help, I know that it feels BIG to the families of sick babies.”