July 26, 2022
On Wednesday, August 3, My Pure Delivery in Plano is hosting the milk bank’s next milk drive. The company’s founder and lactation consultant, Diba Tillery, recently shared how her passion for human milk motivates her to help parents and organizations like Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas.
From a young age, I knew my calling was to care for babies. As lactation consultants, we get to see firsthand the many beautiful benefits of human milk and breastfeeding that go beyond just meeting babies’ nutritional needs. My passion for lactation began during my career as a registered nurse in the neonatal ICU.
I distinctly remember the first time I saw a baby’s life be saved by donor breast milk, and it changed my life. It’s one of the main reasons I became a lactation consultant. Seeing this tiny baby struggling to survive, and watching human milk turn his situation around sparked my passion for helping families breastfeed and deepened my appreciation for those who selflessly donate their surplus to babies in need.
That’s why I adore organizations like MMBNT that provide families with two incredible opportunities: To share their supply when they have an abundance, and to receive safe, pasteurized breast milk from screened donors when their babies need it the most.
After becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), I eventually shifted my focus to outpatient care and opened the first My Pure Delivery clinic location in Austin where we became a drop-off site for Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin. In the first year of being a drop-off location, we collected over 18,000 ounces of donor milk from local mothers, some being our clients who weren’t even previously aware that they could take part in saving babies’ lives!
In honor of National Breastfeeding Month and in celebration of MMBNT, we are hosting a milk drive at our Plano clinic (6217 Chapel Hill Blvd, Suite #100) on Wednesday, August 3 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. We have met so many fabulous families since opening this location last year, and we are looking forward to meeting even more at our donation drive! Representatives from Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas will be on site at the milk drive to help potential donors complete the registration process and to collect donated milk. To learn more about the milk drive or to become a donor, visit www.texasmilkbank.org.
Happy feeding!
Diba Tillery, RN, BSN, IBCLC, CEIM
Founder and CEO of My Pure Delivery