10 Tips for Pregnant and New Moms
Thursday, 3/24/2016
Recently, we reached out to our moms on the Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas Facebook page to share tips for pregnant and new moms. Thanks to our great online community, we have plenty to share with you. Have something to add? Leave us a note in the comment section!
Submissions may be edited for length and/or clarity.
During Pregnancy
“If you want to breastfeed, do some research before the baby gets here. Breastfeeding may be natural, but it doesn’t always come naturally. Having some extra knowledge on latching positions, the difference between foremilk and hind milk, and knowing somewhat what to expect was huge for me.” – Ariel
“For pregnant moms…take pictures of that belly! And find yourself an IBCLC that you like and are comfortable with. Just in case you encounter problems with breastfeeding, if that’s what you choose to do, you’ll have someone to support you. It’s too stressful to find someone while you’re having difficulties. No sense in adding more stress to your situation.” – Chelle
“Buy the basics first and then only upgrade as needed. You do not need the fanciest baby gear for every aspect of your baby’s life. It is perfectly fine to splurge on the things that truly do make life easier, but save your money and figure out what those splurges are once baby is born.” – Shannon
After Your Baby is Born
“You can’t spoil a newborn. Naps on the chest are amazing and help increase milk production (also great for Mommy to sneak a nap in too).” – Faith
“Don’t give up on nursing. It took ten days for my milk to come in. I had a C-section. I was broken hearted because I couldn’t feed my baby and I was in the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. I pumped for an hour at a time to only get two ounces! Then one day I looked down as something was on my leg…my bottles were overflowing! It is the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done! Don’t give up!” – Anna
“Be patient with your new baby. They aren’t crying to make you mad. They always need something if they are crying. Try to actually enjoy midnight changes and nursings, it goes by so fast! Also, everything is just a quick phase! Push through it.” – Kristin
“Trust your gut and don’t panic. Take a deep breath, know that everything seems overwhelming at night and when you are sleep deprived. Rock them to sleep, spoil them rotten. The baby phase goes by so quickly.” – Emily
General Tips
“Cherish all the morning sickness and stuff. And when they’re born, cherish all the little moments (even when you get pooped on, spit up on, etc.). Before you know it they’re running around on their own.” – Alicia
“Nobody knows your baby like you do. Nobody.” – Molly
“It’s ok to ask for help.” – Jennifer
For more information about Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas, click here.