True or False? Five Common Breastfeeding Myths - Part II

Here are two more Breastfeeding Myths 4.      Pumping tells you how much milk you have. False: A baby receives  more milk by breastfeeding as opposed to what a mother gets when pumping. Some mothers are able to pump a lot of milk at one sitting and others never are able to pump more than a few drops even though their baby is removing plenty of milk.  The type of pump a mom uses is one of the most important factors in pumping success.  A few other important things to remember are: 1) Most moms pump more milk out of one breast than the other, even when pumping both breasts simultaneously. 2) Most moms are most successful pumping in the morning hours than afternoon or evening. 5.      Formula is just as beneficial for a baby’s health as breast milk. False: Human milk is imperative for premature or sick babies, who are at 10 times the risk for intestinal infections if they are fed formula instead of human milk. Not only does breast milk fight devastating diseases, but it provides important nutrition, growth hormones and antibodies babies need in order to develop and thrive. Which one of these surprised you the most? Which myth did you know to be false? All of them? Share your thoughts in the comments section.