Pumping Helped Donor Mom Feel Close to Son

Mary Herrera
Miami, FL

My son Emmanuel was born a little early, at 37 weeks, but breathing issues kept him in the NICU for 3 weeks. I wasn’t able to hold him for almost 5 days, but I pumped for him. When I finally got to hold him, I was able to bottle feed him.  We pumped and bottle fed throughout his NICU stay. After we got home, pumping and bottle feeding was just too much, and we transitioned to the breast. He was still not drinking as much as I was pumping. I began to run out of room in my freezer and in my mother’s freezer. Initially, I started throwing the excess milk away. I had no idea that human milk banking and milk donation even existed. After doing some research, I contacted a few milk banks. The first two I contacted were for-profit milk banks. I was not comfortable with my milk going to a for-profit milk bank. After learning about Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas through The Gathering Place, I felt confident knowing that my milk was going to babies who really needed it.

Pumping kept Emmanuel close to me, during the three weeks he was in the NICU. It was something that helped me feel connected with him. It was the only way I knew he had a piece of me with him. I was very afraid of developing post partum depression after his birth and the rough start in the NICU. The pumping I did for him helped keep the oxytocin flowing. I truly believe that pumping for Emmanuel in the NICU helped me through the separation and kept depression at bay. I have not experienced a single episode of depression since he was born, despite my son being away from me for 3 weeks.

I am the first in my family to breastfeed and I have encountered a lot of misconceptions about breastfeeding. By educating myself and being determined to give my son the best start in life, I have been able to advocate for breastfeeding and milk donation. I was very hesitant to let go of my frozen milk initially, but now that Emmanuel is six months old, I truly understand the demand and supply process involved in making milk. I am very glad to help other infants who may not have had the easiest start in life. I am honored to make a difference in their tiny lives.

Mary’s Breastfeeding Advice:
Never quit on a bad day!


Emmanuel and Mary enjoying skin to skin time in the NICU. Emmanuel and Mary enjoying skin to skin time in the NICU.

Pumping for Emmanuel  while he was in the NICU Pumping for Emmanuel while he was in the NICU

Happy mama and sleepy baby Happy mama and sleepy baby

Getting a bottle at home Getting a bottle at home

Emmanuel with some of the milk Mary has donated to The Gathering Place depot in Miami. Emmanuel with some of the milk Mary has donated to The Gathering Place depot in Miami.

Emmanuel and his family Emmanuel and his family