It's a New Year, Help a New Life

th-6With the holidays winding down, many moms find their freezers overflowing with old casseroles, various items covered in freezer burn, unidentifiable containers and sometimes . . . a very valuable stash of extra breastmilk.  With a fresh new year upon us, now is a perfect time to consider becoming a breastmilk donor. Kris has posted the following top ten New Year's resolutions for 2015:

  1. lose weight
  2. volunteer to help others
  3. quit smoking
  4. get a better education
  5. get a better job
  6. save money
  7. get fit
  8. eat healthy food
  9. manage stress
  10. manage debt

Debbie Quila's milk and Harper KateMany mothers find breastfeeding is helpful with #1, losing weight.  However, becoming a milk donor has the added benefit of #2, volunteering to help others.  So, if your freezer is overflowing with milk your baby doesn't need, and you would like to help premature and critically ill infants, consider milk donation. Become a donor today in three easy steps:

  1. complete a short phone interview
  2. complete and return a questionnaire
  3. have your blood drawn at a local lab at no cost to you

Donor mothers must be:

  • in good health
  • willing to have blood tests to rule out communicable diseases
  • not regularly using medications except for progestin-only birth control, thyroxin, insulin, prenatal vitamins, iron or calcium
  • free from smoking, illegal drug use and regular alcohol use
  • willing to donate a minimum of 100 ounces

Call Mothers' Milk Bank of North Texas at 817-810-0071 or visit our website.