Jim - 2015-01-13 08:21:39

awww cameron... im sorry i know that eonoimts run high when it deals with nursing. ive been there! but 8 and half months is awesome and im so glad that you had this time home with isis. good luck building your supply (if that is what you are shooting for) and enjoy nursing when you are with isis. i am proud of your positive attitude about this, know that other mommies are praying for you!

AUTHOR EMAIL: vc07ec1h@outlook.com
SUBJECT: [Texas Breastfeeding] Milk for Money - Is It Ethical for a Company to Pay Moms for Breastmilk?
[1_Name] => Jim
[2_Email] => vc07ec1h@outlook.com
[3_Question] => awww cameron... im sorry i know that eonoimts run high when it deals with nursing. ive been there! but 8 and half months is awesome and im so glad that you had this time home with isis. good luck building your supply (if that is what you are shooting for) and enjoy nursing when you are with isis. i am proud of your positive attitude about this, know that other mommies are praying for you!