Thursday, 7/19/2018
North Texas is home to many wonderful nonprofits, and donations to these organizations ensure people across the Metroplex can receive the services they need. In 2009, Communities Foundation of Texas recognized organizations’ needs as well as the giving spirit of the Dallas-Fort Worth community and brought them together to create North Texas Giving Day.
Heading into its tenth year, North Texas Giving Day is an 18-hour online giving event that connects donors with organizations and causes they care about. Donors can visit the event’s website to learn all about the participating nonprofits, as well as make their donations. At the end of the day, participants can feel proud of what they’ve done, supporting the organizations they love and building awareness and support for our community of nonprofits.
North Texas Giving Day is the largest community-wide giving event in the nation. Since 2009, it has raised $195 million for our community.
This year’s event is from 6 a.m. to midnight Thursday, September 20. For those who are busy on this day, or for those who want to take care of their gifts in advance, they can schedule their gifts as early as September 10.
Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas looks forward to participating again this year. Donations to the milk bank will enhance our programs that help us serve the most fragile members of our population, including charitable care and community education. To visit MMBNT’s North Texas Giving Day page, click here.