Christmas in Cowtown
Wednesday, 10/3/2018
Each October, the Junior League of Fort Worth hosts Christmas in Cowtown, a festive holiday gift market featuring something for everyone. While the weekend-long event draws a variety of shoppers from the greater Fort Worth community, many are mothers with babies and young children. In 2016, the Junior League wanted to enhance their market experience by providing a private, quiet space to feed their children, change diapers or just take a breather from all the shopping hustle and bustle.
Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas and the Junior League of Fort Worth have a long-standing history, so the Junior League turned to MMBNT to help and the mothers’ room was born. MMBNT sponsors this room, providing much-needed space for shoppers, vendors, and volunteers alike. Inside, guests will find rockers, comfortable chairs, and fully stocked changing tables, as well as educational materials from the milk bank.
Christmas in Cowtown is the Junior League’s annual fundraiser, allowing the organization to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in community projects each year. This year is particularly special for MMBNT, as the Junior League selected the milk bank as one of its 2018 community projects. As a result, a generous gift of $100,000 from the League is helping the milk bank fund a new, expanded location in southwest Fort Worth.
MMBNT is thrilled to provide the mothers’ room for the third straight year, and is so grateful for continued support from the Junior League of Fort Worth. Christmas in Cowtown runs Thursday, October 11 through Sunday, October 14 at the Will Rogers Memorial Center. For more information about Christmas in Cowtown, click here.