Saralynn: 8,500 Ounces and Counting
Saralynn began her breastfeeding journey in 2016 with her first-born Camden, and she sailed through it with ease. After joining a couple of mom support groups on Facebook, she became aware that not all mothers have the same experience when breastfeeding their babies. Some mothers’ breastfeeding journeys can be difficult for various reasons.
“Multiple times every single day, I read posts about mothers struggling to breastfeed and express milk. Multiple times every single day, my heart hurt for them…I knew I wanted to help families like them, in any way I could,” Saralynn said.
One day while scrolling through her Facebook newsfeed, she noticed an old friend’s post. Her friend shared her experience with donating her breastmilk.
Introduced to the topic of breastmilk donation, Saralynn did some research on her own and found Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas (MMBNT).
With her first baby, Camden, Saralynn donated over 500 ounces of her breastmilk to MMBNT.
Now a veteran and second time donor with Saylor, Saralynn has donated over 8,000 ounces of breastmilk to MMBNT.
Fortunate to have a job that allows her to bring her kids to work everyday. Saralynn has found a daily routine that allows her to workout, breastfeed, homeschool, work, pump, and do all the things a mother must do in a day.
“The days of a single breastfeeding/pumping, full-time working mother of two are LONG but rewarding,” Saralynn said.
Although it can be challenging to find alone time and complete a pumping session, Saralynn makes pumping a priority.
“Since the day I got home from the hospital I have pumped twice a day every day, freezing 30-35 ounces per day after breastfeeding my own baby all day and night,” Saralynn said, “[Saylor] has never had to have my frozen milk. I pump solely to donate!”
Being able to donate her extra breastmilk has made an impact on Saralynn, and she hopes to continue pumping and donating her extra breastmilk to MMBNT for another year.
“Donating means sharing thousands of pieces of me to perfect strangers I will never meet, for their best start…[Donating has] provided me with the ability to make a difference in the fragile lives of premature newborns, and educate myself about all things breastmilk,” Saralynn said.
Saralynn and her two kids, Camden, 4, and Saylor, 1, currently live in California. Camden is incredibly athletic and plays baseball and soccer competitively. Saylor loves to smile about everything, eat everything, and climb on everything.
Advice to Donor Moms from Saralynn:
- For optimal space-saving, flat frozen bags are essential
- Clean your pump parts regularly
- Stay in good communication with MMBNT staff
- Coconut oil before each pump to prevent friction against the flanges