Giving Thanks for Depot Drop-offs
Tiffany has taken full advantage of our depot collection site at Van Buren County Health Unit in Clinton, Arkansas, making one large donation of her extra milk with each of her three babies, now 14 months, 4 and 7 years old. She has now donated over 4000 oz. spanning the last 7 years!
Tiffany became a donor because she had more supply than she could use so the obvious answer to her was to help babies in need. She says, “It makes me feel good knowing that all of that time spent pumping was not for nothing. I was able to provide food for babies other than my own!”
Tiffany says that she loves that she was able to breastfeed all three of her children, while working full-time. She shared sometimes it was hard, especially those first few weeks. But her three children “are the joy of my life, even though it can be a bit hectic with a full schedule. I wouldn’t change it for the world!”
This holiday season, we’re thankful for each depot locations across North Texas, Arkansas, Georgia and Florida for collecting milk from generous donor mothers, like Tiffany. Depot drop-off sites give moms a convenient, local place to easily deliver their precious liquid gold, helping more fragile babies across the region!