The Special Gift of Donating Milk
Maverick was born via emergency C-section at 35 weeks due to undiagnosed placenta previa and spent 8 days in the NICU. While in the NICU, his mom Krista started pumping immediately: she wanted to do everything that she could to help him since she couldn’t be with him 24 hours a day. Krista was finally able to start nursing Maverick at 6 days old. When Maverick was ready to go home, Krista and her husband were so excited for him to meet his older brother! Maverick is now 11 months old and thriving.
Since Maverick didn’t need all the milk Krista was pumping, especially during their time in the NICU, she started producing an oversupply of milk, storing her surplus in the freezer. Soon it became full and she knew she wanted to donate. Krista had learned about the option to donate her extra milk to MMBNT through her friend who worked at a WIC office. Krista said she became a donor because she understood the struggle that breastfeeding can sometimes be for moms. She herself had struggled breastfeeding her oldest son, and while they made it for 15 months, she said she never had extra milk and was always stressed about having enough for the next day.
Krista has donated over 150 ounces with more to come, delivering her milk to her local depot collection site at the Wichita Falls WIC office. Krista says, “Donating my extra milk is extremely special. I know that many moms either struggle or cannot produce enough at times. I am blessed that I am able to help out anyone that may need it.”
To give the gift of donating your extra breastmilk, visit: