Ashley shares her 2022 success: “I didn’t reach every goal I had for 2022 but the one that I did achieve was donating to the milk bank over 10,000 ounces of milk! Such an amazing feeling to provide help to other babies!”
After a challenging feeding journey with her first son, Ashley was expecting a similar situation with her second son. However, when he latched immediately, Ashley knew she had a great opportunity to give back in any way she could and decided to pump for both her baby and others. She shared “Donating to me means I can provide help to others. And like being an organ donor, I’ll probably never know who I helped, but knowing I could give others hope or life is the best feeling.”
Throughout 2022, Ashley donated over 10,000 ounces of breastmilk, providing as many as 30,000 feedings for fragile infants. What a truly incredible goal to achieve!