Connor’s Recovery: A Miracle of the Heart

Connor’s Recovery: A Miracle of the Heart

In May 2023, Josie and Carl were looking forward to their third child and envisioning the addition of one last, easy-going “caboose baby” to complete their family. When Connor was born on May 30th, they felt prepared as parents, and Josie assumed breastfeeding would be as seamless as it was with her first two children. 

However, three days later, plans and expectations were upended when Connor was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. Connor was struggling to breathe, and because of problems with his feedings, he wasn’t gaining weight. 

Josie says, “The stress of the whole situation seemed to impact my milk supply, and I was not able to produce breastmilk.” To complicate matters, Connor could not tolerate formula. In June, he started receiving donor milk at the recommendation of his pediatrician.

Connor had his first cardiac surgery for a pulmonary artery band in August 2023. Josie explains, “Keeping his body healthy was so important, and being able to provide donor breastmilk for him gave us so much comfort. Connor’s body works much harder than a normal baby and burns calories at a very rapid rate, so his nutrition is absolutely critical to his health. I honestly do not know if Connor would be here today without donor milk.” 

She adds, “Mother’s Milk Bank of North Texas was so easy to work with. During the scariest and most stressful time in my life, they were on my side and on our team from the beginning.”

In June 2024, Connor’s second surgery to repair septal heart defects went incredibly well. He recovered quickly and gained weight. Josie says, “He has been able to wean off donor milk and is just now on cow’s milk and regular food like a normal baby. We are so thankful to have all of this behind us!”
