Thank You, Neonatal Nurses!
Wednesday, 9/14/2016
About 80 percent of the donor milk processed at Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas is dispensed to hospitals, where it is provided to inpatient babies in need. Nurses are critical in caring for these infants, making them an important part of our milk bank family. September 15 is a day to celebrate these nurses and all they do. Recognized annually as National Neonatal Nurses Day, this day honors the nurses who provide critical care to the tiniest patients.
Neonatal nurses work with newborn infants who are born with a variety of complications, including premature birth, infections, birth defects and many other problems. Their care for these infants typically extends from birth to when they are discharged from the hospital. While the neonatal period encompasses the first month of life, care can be extended if an infant’s complications are long-term. A few NICU nurses shared how they feel about their jobs:
“When I started in the NICU in 1981, I quickly realized what a privilege it was to “fill in for the momma”. Feeding, comforting, holding, loving and adoring their baby until they could go home! (In addition to providing oxygen therapy, post op care, IV medications and special nutrition which could not be done at home). From a 660 gram triplet to an 11 pound baby, all sizes/diagnosis were taken care of.” - Cindy S.
“It’s such a blessing that few people are lucky to have to be able to do this job. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have a baby in the NICU. But I hope that through what we do - caring for and loving their babies - while they can’t be there, can give parents some comfort. And we do love them. Some people ask how we do it. My answer is always the same. It’s hard sometimes, there are definitely good and bad days but the good far outweighs the bad. When you take care of a little 500 gram baby who is fighting for their life every day…then finally see them reach the day where they are a breathing on their own, eating on their own, and get to go home with their parents. That makes it all worth it.” - Rachel L.
This year’s Neonatal Nurses Day theme is “Healing Hands, Generous Hearts”. The theme is meant to recognize both the skill and talent required of neonatal nurses, as well as their nurturing hearts that help them care for patients and their families.
We are so thankful for the nurses who care for the infants we serve. Their passion and dedication make a priceless impact on babies’ lives. If you know a neonatal nurse, be sure to thank him or her today!
For more information about Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas, click here.