As a milk donor, Iris knows she’s helping the most fragile of babies. It’s a cause that hits close to home. Her son Oliver, now 5 months old, spent his first two months in the NICU at University…
Exclusively pumping certainly was not what I had planned a decade and a half ago when pregnant with my first of six children. After unbearable pain while nursing, I eventually ended up meeting with…
Mothers become milk donors for a variety of reasons. No matter what leads them to the milk bank, though, they can all agree that they’re making a difference in the lives of many fragile babies. Below…
Reliving a NICU experience isn’t easy. The trauma of premature birth followed by the day to day uncertainty, exhaustion, and anguish in the hospital leave emotional scars, even when there is a happy…
Inspiration can come from any number of sources, and can motivate you to achieve things you never imagined. For Kasa, that inspiration comes from her son, KJ. In 2016, Kasa went into preterm labor…
Life as a milk donor is always gratifying, but there’s something special about the beginning of the journey. Completing the approval process and packing your first donation is an experience unlike…
Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas reaches beyond the borders of the Lone Star State. Although the milk bank is located in the North Texas city of Fort Worth, hospitals as far west as Lubbock, Texas,…
Michelle from Birmingham, Alabama, donated her extra breastmilk a few years ago after the birth of her daughter, Neva. In the following story, originally published in December 2015, Michelle shares…
Cassandra’s experience with donor milk has come full circle. In 2009, her son was born 9 weeks early due to HELLP Syndrome. Because of her medical complications, she was unable to provide him…
Producing a plentiful amount of breastmilk is nothing new to Mandy. After the birth of her oldest child, now 4, she never stopped lactating. “Even two years after I stopped pumping, I was still…
Talicia’s second son, Ty, was stillborn at 29 weeks on December 8, 2015. After her unimaginable loss, Talicia helped other babies by donating her breastmilk. In honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss…
Many of our milk donors learn about Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas through friends and family, hospitals or online searches, but for some, all it takes is a simple car ride. That’s what…
They say that love is even sweeter the second time around. For Anjali from Frisco, Texas, this also rings true for donating breastmilk. After her first son, Prem, was born in November 2014, Anjali…
Just weeks into her experience as a milk donor, Susan is thrilled by the prospect of helping fragile babies. “I feel incredibly blessed to have an abundance of milk and really feel obligated to share…
Melissa’s oversupply of breastmilk created a huge surplus saved up in her freezer. Knowing that this milk could benefit fragile babies in need, she searched for a local milk bank and found The…
Keilah first became familiar with donor milk after giving birth to her son, Jace. After being born at 36 weeks, he briefly received milk from Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas. Once she…
James and Victoria’s twin daughters, Caroline and Elizabeth, made their debut at 30 weeks. The girls had twin to twin transfusion syndrome, which had not been detected in an ultrasound, so their…
Being active in the community is important to the staff at Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas. It helps people learn about the MMBNT mission, and moms who are over-producing breastmilk can…
For Kristin, the journey of motherhood has included both joy and sadness along the way. Her first child, Tommy, was born just before her own 18th birthday, and from that moment she knew she was…
For Robyn, milk donation has become a part of her regular routine. She stepped into her role as a milk donor after her daughter, Elliott, was born and she produced more milk than Elliott needed.…